I STOPPED My Milkshakes

June 22, 2012

Once upon a time, federal meat inspectors visually examined carcasses for wholesomeness. Have you heard about rBGH in Milk? 
 It means +Recombinant bovine growth hormone (rBGH), it’s injected into dairy cows to increase milk production, and was created by crossing cow DNA and E.coli bacteria.  E. coli!!!. 
 The farmers and veterinarians worried about […]

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Emotional Awareness

June 22, 2012

Preventative  Type -Medicine Your body, which is  your energy system , and has 7  main centres of your own personal operations. It is like a good machine that works well with all its parts cooperating in the whole action of rippling out energy .  These 7 main sections of your energy ‘machine” are:- 7.  You’re […]

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Delicacy from Hell – Foie Gras

June 12, 2012

Foie gras is a “delicacy” that requires the indelicate force-feeding of geese and ducks to bloat their livers. Various UTUBE shows birds with bloody throats, barely able to walk and struggling to breathe. Yet Big Food, restaurateurs and even the American Veterinary Medical Association defend the gratuitous cruelty lest veal crates and other extreme “production […]

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Mycoplasma War on Health

June 11, 2012

There are 200 species of Mycoplasma The pathogenic Mycoplasma used to be considered harmless but… Biological warfare research conducted since  1942 and the present time has resulted in the creation of more deadly and infectious forms of Mycoplasma. Researchers extracted mycoplasma from the Brucella bacterium& reduced to crystalline form. They “weaponised” it and tested it on an unsuspecting […]

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Fukushima Radiation is Worse

June 10, 2012

WATCH VIDEO  Part 1   Part 2    Part 3    Part 4  Japanese Government Ignores Vitamin C In the fall of 2011 March to June, JCIT presented a study that Fukushima workers had abnormality gene expression, which may be avoided using dietary antioxidants, especially vitamin C. The data was presented in Japan, Taiwan, and Korea. Letters were […]

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Boost with Glutathione

June 6, 2012

Benefits of Glutathione Slow aging Boost liver function Boost lung and heart functions Boost memory Boost energy Boost recovery from exercise Boost detox Boost immune Boost protection from radiation. The cells of the body need your help to combat against radiation, free radicals, heavy metals, chemicals etc.  A naturally occurring molecule in the body called […]

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Vitamin D Toxicity

June 6, 2012

Symptoms of Vitamin D and C overload -extreme tiredness -bone and muscle pain -loss of balance -memory impairment and confusion   Your body stores Vitamin D so it is not necessary to take it every day forever.  Taking it once a week or month will do. 5000IU of Vitamin D appears to be the recommended […]

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Reversing Diabetes: Wheat and the Diabetic

May 30, 2012

Reversing Diabetes  by restricting wheat intake might be the way to go.  Have you noticed many American’s getting larger and larger especially around the middle?  Wheat is a major cause of accumulated fat in the abdomen (visceral fat) also known as a “Wheat Belly”.  The fat that deposits in this area is known to create […]

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Wheat Effects on Schizophrenia

May 24, 2012

 Schizophrenia is a disease of the brain.  It is a progressive psychotic mental disorder.  This illness causes the schizophrenic to struggle to differentiate between reality and fantasy, with hallucinations, and delusions, creating feelings of paranoia, suicide, and social withdrawal.  Schizophrenia can be managed with neuroleptic medications to help relieve the psychosis symptoms but there are […]

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Wheat Free

May 18, 2012

Wheat Free – It can be hard to stop eating wheat because wheat is an appetite stimulant that can control behaviour and impulses, similar to an alcoholic trying to stop drinking.  It is a euphoria food! A wheat free diet is not just a matter of going cold turkey and eliminating all wheat completely, although […]

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March 12, 2012

If you are over 10 years old then this information may be helpful. WHY ARE THE MONOSACCHARDIES IN ALOE VERA SO IMPORTANT? Aloe Vera contains 2 Monosaccharides – Glocuse and Fructose. Aloe Vera contains Polysaccharides and Monosaccharides to provide anti-inflammatory activity for the benefit of the body beautiful.  Polysaccharides are normally found in every cell of […]

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March 9, 2012

The skin may be burned from heat, steam, scalding liquids, the sun, chemicals, or electricity. Severe burns can destroy all skin layers and damage the underlying muscle and fat. Electrical burns are caused by electric shock. Severe electrical burns quite often do not display much damage on the surface layer of skin. The real damage […]

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March 8, 2012

The sinuses are cavities in the bones around the nose, the cheeks, and the eyes. These cavities are lined with membranes that produce mucus, and when the sinuses are functioning normally, this mucus serves as a protective purpose: it warms and moistens incoming air and filters it for germs. When sinuses can’t drain properly however, […]

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Organic Diet Urgency

March 8, 2012

The long term effects of pesticides and herbicides are unclear, but a scary picture is beginning to emerge. We can control the safety of our food when we buy organic. Organic means foods that have not been sprayed with synthetic chemicals and have been grown in safe soil. This is becoming an issue of urgency […]

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The Omega 3 Solution

February 22, 2012

Staying away from fried and fatty foods is a must for taking care of your body. So that is good advice and now for more secret solutions that are easy. Most people are not including the right sources of Omega-3 into their diet and thus not getting enough healthy Omega-3’s, according to Harvard University.  Eating […]

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Magnify Your Mind Power

January 23, 2012

Are you always losing your keys, forgetting names, or having other memory lapses?  The odds are that it is simple forgetfulness – which can be treated. Keep busy- memory problems – especially those associated with aging – stem simply from a lack of mental activity.  Join a book club, play chess or Scrabble, try a […]

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Wheat of Ancestors vs.Modern Wheat Today

January 10, 2012

Wheat of our ancestors is not the same as the wheat we are eating today and if you are wanting “good health” than you need to understand the health hazards modern wheat presents.   Today’s wheat may look the same, taste the same but it has been altered  by  crossbreeding  hybridization, and genetic modifications to create […]

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