
Peptic ulcers affect the stomach and the duodenum. Both the stomach and the duodenum process high quantities of gastric juices whose job is to break food down into digestible particles. To protect the stomach and the duodenum walls against damage from gastric acid, both organs are coated with a protective layer of mucus.

Under normal conditions, this mucus layer is effective in  alkalinizing bicarbonate ions to prevent the acid from eating away at the digestive tract lining. Brilliant design really! But when the lining is too weak and there is decreased bicarbonate secretion, some of the stomach tissues may be eroded. An eroded spot is called a peptic ulcer.


*Stress increases the output of gastric acid.Stress Increases Output of Gastric Acid

*Reducing the levels of tension and anxiety in your life will go a long way toward healing the physical wound.

*Some drugs increase acid production especially aspirin and the class of medications called non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

*Smokers develop ulcers much more often than nonsmokers do.

*A poor diet, especially one that includes spicy foods, citrus fruits, soda pop, caffeine, and alcohol, is frequently at the root of the problem.

*Food allergies can also cause stomach problems.

*The bacteria Helicobacter pylori has been strongly linked to ulcer formation. Some people with ulcers have this bacterium in the affected organ, and elimination of H.pylori often helps with healing. Antibiotic therapy, as well as natural therapies, can be very effective for this infection although make sure you supplement with probiotics to replace the helpful bacteria that antibiotics destroy. These good bacteria also play a role in preventing H. pylori infection.  A highly effective sources of Probiotics 14  can be ordered on line at www.goodhealthwithd.com under the GHN section of the shopping cart.


Without treatment the pain and burning will only get worse. Bleeding or perforating ulcers should be treated as medical emergencies; if left untreated they can be fatal.

Ulcer Symptoms

  • Burning or gnawing pain in the upper abdomen that usually occurs when the stomach is empty or about an hour after eating. Pain may also come on at night.
  • Loss of appetite
  • Increased appetite (sometimes food actually soothes the ulcer)
  • Nausea
  • Vomiting

Possible Causes of Ulcers

  • Stress
  • Medications, including aspirin and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Dietary factors, including food allergies
  • Smoking
  • Alcohol overload
  • Infection with H.pylori (you are more susceptible if you have low stomach acid and not enough friendly flora)

Caution: If your stools or vomit are dark or bloody, or if you have intense abdominal pain that doesn’t go away, you may have a bleeding or perforating ulcer. Consult a doctor immediately.


Good nutrition is essential for healing ulcers. Eat several small meals a day including plenty of fibre. Vitamin K, found in foods such as broccoli, parsley, spinach, and most other leafy green vegetables, has been proven to repair damage from gastric juices. Drinking aloe vera is also recommended to help soothe the intestinal tract. For more information about these exceptional Aloe Vera products Click Here


Avoid sugar, spicy foods, citrus fruits and juices, coffee, black tea, and alcohol.

Milk allergies are also strongly linked to gastric problems. Doctors once prescribed milk as a remedy for ulcers, but that practice has largely stopped. We now know that milk actually encourages stomach acid to form. In addition, many cases of ulcers are directly linked to a milk allergy.


Aloe Vera

Drink ¼ cup of aloe vera gel three times daily. Aloe can promote healing of the lining of the intestinal tract and has antimicrobial benefits. Many of the vitamins and minerals found in pure aloe vera juice have important benefits for your intestinal tract as in the case of zinc; which promotes tissue healing, vitamin A; which stimulates healthy intestinal cell growth, and vitamin C; which acts as an antioxidant in the stomach lining.

One particular study conducted on participants who suffered from peptic ulcers found that the participants could make a complete recovery, with no reoccurring attacks, through the use of aloe vera gel.  Now that is easy and after a few days the flavor of Aloe Vera becomes appealing.  In my circumstance, I actually crave it because my body knows it is good for me.


Take a product containing at least 4 billion active organisms twice daily, thirty minutes after meals. It supplies friendly bacteria, such as Lactobacillus acidophilus and bifidus, which prevent infection and aid digestion. It is particularly important to take if you are using antibiotics.

GHN Probiotics 14 high quality probiotic supplements you might like to try.

Aromatherapy: Essential oils that can be beneficial in calming, and assist with the healing of ulcers, are lavender, ginger, clary sage, rose, bergamont, peppermint, and jasmine. Pure therapeutic grades of essential oils are also available online. You don’t have to continually suffer the pain of ulcers.

Stay healthy and informed for 2012.

Informations on this website are for educational purposes only. They are only my opinion based on my internet studies. They are not intended to diagnose, prescribe, treat or cure any disease or mental condition. Consult your licenses health care professional on all health concerns.