Strontium The Bone Maker

Strontium is another one of my favourites.  Strontium is a common alkaline earth element which is naturally found in your bones. It’s not a new medicinal substance – it was first listed in medical dictionaries in 1884 and was administered as a supplement for decades in the first half of the twentieth century.

It is very similar to calcium in the way it is absorbed in the gut, incorporated in bone, and eliminated from the body through the kidneys. Strontium is naturally present in trace amounts in a human bone, so when you take strontium supplements you are just making more of this element available for incorporation into your bones.

Calcium and Strontium

Calcium and strontium are very similar in their chemical make-up, each having two positive charges in their ionic form. Because of this chemical similarity to calcium, strontium can act as a replacement for calcium to some extent in some of the biochemical processes in the body. This can include replacing a small proportion of the calcium in hydroxyapatite crystals of calcified tissues such as bones and teeth. It is thought that adding strontium to these crystals imparts additional strength to these tissues and also that it will assist to draw extra calcium into bones.

Studies show that Strontium Aids Bone Growth

It has been found through numerous studies to aid bone growth, increase bone density, and lessen fractures in vertebre and other areas. There have also been studies, one of the most recent in 2004, showing that strontium appears to be one of the most effective substances yet found for the prevention and treatment of osteoporosis and other bone-related conditions, with patients reporting pain relief and improved movement.

Strontium’s Unique Double Method

Strontium has been found to have a unique double method of action for assisting your bones. Bone cells are both continuously growing and being re-absorbed at the same time. Bone growth drugs or calcium supplements on their own, effect only one side of the equation, where strontium inhibits the re-absorption process while simultaneously stimulating bone growth.

How To Take Strontium

While you should not take strontium at the same time as calcium supplements, separating the time you take them – for example, calcium in the morning and strontium before bed at night – a natural bone building program that includes strontium, calcium and other bone support assistants could prove effective. Strontium alone is not the cure all, a comprehensive approach including calcium, vitamins D and K2, and magnesium supplements, and an exercise regime would be necessary to regain bone strength.

A friend of mine asked for some recommendations after a professional assessment indicated shoulder and lower back damage, and after experiencing significant pain and a reduction in movement for some months. Despite a number of treatment options they experienced no long lasting pain relief, but after opting to take a bone support supplemental program that included strontium and calcium, among others, they have reported improved movement with a longer lasting reduction in pain.

To buy Strontium CLICK HERE

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Gilma Himanga May 19, 2013 at 11:07 PM

Magnifique objectif! Continuez votre bon travail