My dearest friend has Fibromyalgia and it is agony for her at times.
Massive Fatigue
Massive Pain everywhere
Muscle Spasms
Weak Limbs
Massive Bowel Disruptions
Massive Bladder Disruptions
Poor Attention
Memory – lapses
Handling Fibromyalgia
My friend A, has found these solutions have helped give her massive relief so she can return to being her dynamic smiling self again.
- NO Wheat EVER
- No Preservatives
- Serranol (combination of serrapeptase, curcumin, vit d) to relax muscles
- Artic Sea Super Omega 3
- Forever Bee Pollen & Royal Jelly
- MSM Gel on painful joints
- Aloe Heat Crème.
A has victory to control the horrors of Fibromyalgia. I personally believe that Fibromyalgia may be linked to mycroplasmic bacterium which is helped to eradicate with fermented Probiotics too.
{ 1 comment }
I like the helpful info you provide in your articles to help others so generously as I have this condition of painful and tiring fibromyalgia for a long time and at last this helps.
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