Salt Therapy to Heal.

by admin on May 14, 2013

 Breathe Easier with Salt Therapy

My favorite salt cave is in Cantabria Spain where I go regularly for healthy visits. About 20 salt caves are operating in the United States. They are dotted all over  Europe and Canada where insurance companies there cover the treatment.

There are at-home options too. Two of the most available options arsalt pipes and salt lamps which I use in my homes and bedrooms. The pipes are used to inhale saline-infused air, while the lamps create a micro-version of the ionized atmosphere. If you use the two in tandem, you can simulate the full range of effects produced by natural  salt caves and they are easily available. The best idea is to have them on a tray as the salt leaks onto cupboards otherwise.few people are aware of  the natural healthy benefits of these salty things.  The  salt has been known as a powerful health remedy since ancient times, especially for respiratory health and detoxification and for  severe bruisings.

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine, prescribed saltwater inhalation therapy for bronchial and lung disorders. Today, the use of salt for natural goodhealth purposes is called halotherapy, (Greek word halos for salt&speleotherapy, from the Latin word spalenca for cave).

Speleotherapy originated in Poland in the 1950s, when folks  noticed that salt miners rarely suffered from tuberculosis.

Long before that time, the naturally occurring salt caves in Eastern Europe were credited with improving symptoms of allergy…asthma…skin conditions…depression…and myriad other health problems.A friend of mine spoke of playing in such caves near her mountain home in Spain as a child.

European monks instructed  visitors with respiratory ailments in natural salt caves &got well much more quickly. The monks actually ground salt rocks against each other to release a cloud of “salt dust” into the air also as part of their ancient tradion, which patients then inhaled.

So breathing “ natural mineralised organic salt dust” may sound odd but the facts are that  salt spas have been popular in Europe since the mid 1800s—and recent research has shown that the benefits of salty natural cares are very real
Modern style salty places involve  sitting in a room coated with salt crystals and pumped full of salt-laden air. The best-known hub for salt therapy is the Ukrainian Allergologic Hospital in Solotvyno, Hungary. This hospital is situated in a former salt mine, nearly 1,000 feet below the Earth’s surface. Amazing. Staff at the Allergologic Hospital report a remarkable 90% effectiveness in reducing asthma symptoms for up to 3 years! In 1995, the Russian Ministry of Health recognized certain salt therapy treatment chambers as medical devices. Dry saline generators (for infusing the air with salt particles, much like the monks did when grinding salt rocks against each other) have also been certified as medical devices throughout Europe.

Salt therapy – the subject of research which reveal online that  “Salt therapy” has been shown to…

  • Improve lung capacity
  • Decrease microbial contamination of the upper respiratory tract
  • Inhibit respiratory allergies
  • detox

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