Boosting energy and blood balance is important to my family so we use Forever Bee Pollen for this natural purpose and it also serves as a protective measure daily. Let me explain the acid based balance needed in the blood for goodhealth so you too can see the important natural need here for you own wisdom of goodhealth.When the pH scale ranges from 0 to 14. 0 is considered highly ACIDIC .
Ph 14 is highly ALKALINE (or basic)
PH . 7 is neutral.
BLOOD needs to be slightly alkaline.
Specifically, it needs to ideally maintain a tight pH range of 7.35-7.45.
The body is “attacked” by drinks and foods that deposit more acidity in the blood.
Caffeinated beverages along with many foods in the typical western diet are acid-forming.
The major acid-forming culprits are :
- sugar,
- refined grains,
- animal products,
- caffeine,
- alcohol,
All of these foods/drinks create MORE acid buildup in your bloodstream as they deposit
more protein and phosphorus (acidic) than magnesium, potassium, and calcium (alkaline minerals).
That simple relationship is what determines the “acid or alkaline effect” – aka. PRAL (potential acid renal load) .
There is a simple natural solution to that from the BEES.
Considering that, it’s no wonder that more than 80% of the western world is suffering with low energy levels.
A natural BEE Pollen solution soon has energy soaring back into balance.
Having acidic blood not only deprives your body of energy but it also creates
the foundation for disease to proliferate at the root- the acid problem!
When blood becomes too acidic, ONE very important event occurs…
Your red blood cells (RBCs), which are responsible for carrying oxygen to your cells,
lose the negative charge around their membrane & under normal (alkaline) conditionsthen
this negative charge prevents your RBCs from clumping together – since 2 (or more) negative charges
will repel each other.
The the acid strips away that repelling charge, RBCs begin to stick together
as their positive internal charge begins to attract the negative charge from other intact RBC
Bee Pollen can restore that balance and the energy boost returns to normal.
The best quality bee pollen that my family use daily is from Forever. We each use 3×3 Forever Bee Pollen daily and an extra 3 after dinner if we are planning a let night out or partaking of alcohol.
Thanks for your support and help ordering with my family from this website.
Order here: Forever Bee Pollen (scroll down and click on Bee Products)
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