Sandalwood has been used for thousands of years for everything from incense and perfume, to building temples and embalming the dead. A Sandalwood tree has to be at least thirty years old before it begins to produce essential oil, which is why Sandalwood essential oil is such a precious oil. Sandalwood oil is very thick and comes out of the bottle slowly. It is a rich, luxurious oil, and is an oil that is known to improve and deepen its scent as it ages.
1. Reduce stress and anxiety, soothe the emotions, ease depression, calm irritability and aggression, and promote compassion. Sandalwood has long been used as an aphrodisiac.It can be diffused into the air or apply topically.
2. Use as a perfume. My personal daily favorite with orange oil.Simply apply a drop to your pulse points, just like you would perfume. Sandalwood has been used as perfume or in perfume blends for at least 4,000 years!
3. Add 1-2 drops to 1 teaspoon to 1 tablespoon of carrier oil and use for a facial or to replace lotion. Sandalwood prevents dryness, rashes, flakiness, and other common skin problems.
4. Apply a drop daily to a scar or skin spot. You can watch as it gradually disappears.
5. Do you have a child who is experiencing growing pains (either emotionally or physically)? Have them apply a drop to the bottom of each foot (starting with the right foot) each day. The constituents in Sandalwood work together to balance all of the body systems and encourage cellular communication. This creates harmony within the body both physically and mentally helping the child find balance as they deal with the changes in their bodies and life. Its anti-inflammatory action will assist in reducing the physical growing pains as well. Works great for adults, too!
6. Apply a drop to your hair after showering. Not only will this make it so the scent stays with you, it will also be pulled into your body through the hair follicles.
7. Sandalwood is marvelous for the respiratory system. Diffuse it or apply a drop to the chest. It will ease a cough, soothe a sore throat, assist with laryngitis, and assist with respiratory infections.
8. Use as an aftershave lotion (add 1-2 drops to 1 teaspoon of carrier oil or water) to avoid a shaving rash.
9. Sandalwood contains the constituent Epi-beta-santalol which interrupts the communication system of a virus. Because of this the use of Sandalwood can assist your body in ridding itself of a viral infection. (A virus cannot reproduce if it cannot communicate.)
10. Sandalwood contains several constituents that specifically targets the urinary tract system and reproductive areas. It not only tones, but it also can assist with virus based or induced tumors (these often affect the reproductive areas). It can provide the body with the tools to combat cystitis and urinary tract infections as well.
Click here to order your sandalwood essential therapuetic grade oils
Sandalwood oil is a non-toxic oil that can be used safely by adults and children alike. It has several therapeutic properties such as astringent, anti-spasmodic, diuretic, expectorant, antiseptic, and sedative that lends it to being used to treat a number of health problems and illnesses. Apart from this, using sandalwood oil can also help with hair and skin problems in different ways.
How to use sandalwood oil for hair
Ancient Indian medicine has long since used sandalwood oil for hair as a natural hair straightener, as a hair rinse to increase shine, to prevent dry hair, and as a relaxing massage oil for the hair and scalp. Due to its moisturizing properties, it is often used as a valuable ingredient in shampoos and conditioners for dry and damaged hair. For a simple way to use sandalwood oil for your hair, add a few drops of pure sandalwood oil to a quarter cup of water. Mix in the juice of one orange and a tablespoon of honey and apply this rinse to freshly shampooed hair. Wash out after a few minutes. This will make the hair soft and manageable and give it a natural sheen.
How to use sandalwood oil for skin
There are also many ways to reap the benefits of sandalwood oil for the skin. You could add a few drops of sandalwood oil in a bowl of steaming hot water and perform inhalations to help reduce skin problems such as acne or eczema. Alternatively, blend a few drops of pure sandalwood oil along with a carrier oil such as jojoba oil. Massage the skin using this blend to soothe sun burnt skin or skin rashes. The astringent properties of sandalwood oil help it prevent oily skin and problems such as acne and scarring. As sandalwood oil is very moisturizing, it is especially useful in the treatment of dry and inflamed skin. Face creams and body lotions containing sandalwood oil prevent skin dehydration and help revitalize your complexion.
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