You have a “smart gene”? It’s called homologene 7245 which needs Omega & DHA.
We found the solution for both of those and want to share it with you.
This smart-gene helps produce a substance in the brain called “brain-derived neurotrophic factor” (BDNF)
It acts like growth hormone for brain cells – boost your learning & memory& protect from injury.
BDNF enhances growth & health of nearly every brain function & brain cell, including:
- synapses (the connections between nerve cells)
- synaptic transmission (how neurons talk to each other)
- formation of “glial” cells ( brain’s immune cells, anchor neurons, help clean up waste)
- development of dendrites ( brain cells’ “antennae,”- these cells receive signals from other parts of the brain and communicate them to the cell body)
- brain cell formation &protection
But here’s why it’s important to know that BDNF boosts your brainpower & brain goodhealth:
There’s a nutrient you can take that kicks the smart-gene responsible for BDNF production into high gear.
You may recognize it as one of the two main components of omega-3. It’s called “docosahexaenoic acid,” or DHA.
I find this is a huge benefit when travelling to prevent jetlag & brain fog and take 6 capsules of high quality super Omega 3 befor every flight-
Click her to order the Super Arctic Sea Super Omega 3 to be delivered to you.
You can also see here how to have regular reorders monthly for 15% discount..
Evidence has been mounting that highlights just how critical BDNF is to brain function – and DHA’s power to activate it:
- When researchers recently looked at people with brain injury, they found that DHA restores the production of BDNF to normal.
- American Journal of Nutrition, showed that breast-fed infants whose mothers took 200 mg of DHA per day ( as Omega qualty 3)outperformed DHA-deficient infants at every level with better hand-eye coordination, enhanced “gross motor skills” like standing up, walking, going up and down stairs& keeping balance.
- UCLA reports that animals given high levels of DHAhad significantly higher BDNF levels & far more resistant to injury from brain trauma. Those who didn’t get enough DHA in their diet suffered from learning disabilities.
- A recent Japanese study added to the good news: memory and learning ability improved dramatically with boosted BDNF production.4
Turning on this “smart gene” is as easy as eating omega-3 rich foods like walnuts, sardines, salmon, grass-fed beef, avocados and eggs.
A standard serving of grass-fed beef has 88.5 mg of omega-3. Grain-fed beef has maybe ¼ that much. One cup of avocados also gives you 160 mg of omega-3s.
An egg has over 100 mg of omega-3s.
You can also take a supplement that has DHA.
Sea oils of Omega 3 &Cod liver oilare best sources of DHA I know of. Make sure its purity is guaranteed, since environmental toxins get stored in the fat of the fish. That is why I am so careful about what ones I choose.
Try NOW Acrtic Sea Omega 3 to help with your DHA intake. (Click link and then scroll down and click on Nutritional Supplements)
{ 1 comment }
I decided to start taking the Super Arctic Omega 3 tablets to improve brain function and memory. As a side effect, I was amazed to find that within two or three days of taking the tablets my coordination had improved beyond measure. My family even commented on how quick my reflexes were becoming!
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