I Catch Rain Water

by admin on September 7, 2012

The quality of bottled water is a concern nowadays.

 According to Yahoo Green:

“Only three brands earned the highest possible quality in the bottled waters … Gerber Pure Purified Water, Nestle Pure Life Purified Water, and Penta Ultra-Purified Water

Six brands got the worst marks in EWG’s report … Whole Foods Italian Still Mineral Water, Vintage Natural Spring Water, Sahara Premium Drinking Water, O Water Sport Electrolyte Enhanced Purified Drinking Water, Market Basket Natural Spring Water, and Cumby’s Spring Water.”

So what do we need to know about this?

When it comes to bottled water most of the benefits are pure fantasy. What’s worse, most bottled water companies hide the truth about their product in order to keep this profitable scheme going. Also the plastic bottles are a serious concern that we have covered before. Plastic bottles that are transported across nations and seas have been in contact with the water inside in possible heat and are then clearly unsuitable for good health.


When travelling, then I prefer to use the locally bottled waters. When that is not advisable then I prefer the tap water to the damaged plastic bottled water for the old drink. However when at home, then I have rain water collected and filtered for my family use. I even shower in rain water too. In the Pacific then I notice that the vast numbers in villages collect rain water for drinking and washing due to lack of piped water. It seems inconvenient but may actually be to their advantage in my opinion. Not all modern things are good for us all the time.

Have a good drink.

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