Healing Stress Can Heal Almost Anything

by admin on June 22, 2012

Dr Bruce Lipton  of Stanford University Medical School released in 1998, that stress was the cause of at least 95% of illness and disease and that the remaining 5% is genetic and was caused by stress in our  ancestry.

The website of the Us Federal Government, the Centres of Disease Control states that 90% of all illness and disease is related to stress

Harvard Medical School says “Too much stress for too long creates what is known as ‘chronic stress’ which has been linked to heart disease, stroke, and may influence cancer and chronic respiratory disease.”  Stress Management: Approaches for Preventing and Reducing Stress Harvard Health Publications.

When under stress:

Cells literally close up, like a ship battening down the hatches in a time of attack. Nothing is going in or out. …….. our cells don’t receive nutrition, oxygen, minerals, EFAs, etc., nor did they get rid of waste products and toxins while under stress. Everything stops except what is necessary to survive. This results in an environment inside of the cell that is toxic and doesn’t allow for growth or repair. ‘The Healing Code” by Ben Johnson and Dr Alex Loyd.

It is clear when reading the above quote why stress can be so destructive and with top researchers stating that between 90 – 95% of all illness is put down to stress then it makes sense that we need to put at a priority a way of alleviating our stress.  Certainly slowing down and taking time out to relax but in our busy high pressure society this is not always easy or totally effective.  Many people will take on meditation practices to help reduce their stress but this is not for everyone and once again time is usually the biggest issue.  This is why I became very excited after reading a book called ‘The Healing Code – 6 minutes to Heal the Source of Your Health, Success or Relationship Issues” by  Ben Johnson and Alex Loyd. 

In this remarkable book Dr Alex Loyd and Ben Johnson give us a remarkable yet very simple means to overcome or should I say completely neutralise stress in our body.  When the stress is gone  our incredibility powerful body is able to heal itself.  If that is not exciting enought the icing on the cake is that the book or program will teach you how to do this and it only takes about 6 minutes 3 times a day with results occurring stress being zapped within 20 minutes. 

The Healing Codes seem to be removing from the body, in 20 minutes or less, the one thing  that is the source of almost all our problems. ‘The Healing Code” by Ben Johnson and Dr Alex Loyd.

This code not only addresses your every day stress but also past traumas and stresses that you may or may not even remember but that still affect our health, emotions and well being. 

If you remove the stress, almost anything can heal. We measure this stress through detecting destructive energy frequencies. When the destructive energy frequencies are gone, so is the stress. The research at Stanford and at the Institute of Heart Math in California indicate that if you can remove the stress, then even genetic issues very often can and will heal. ‘The Healing Code” by Ben Johnson and Dr Alex Loyd.

The Healing Codes have been subjected to various and numerous tests all of which have validated its success. 

Click here to read more about these codes.

or read the book which gives you a fantastic explanation about the science behind the Healing Codes and shows you how to implement the Universal Healing Code.    


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