Preventative Type -Medicine
Your body, which is your energy system , and has 7 main centres of your own personal operations. It is like a good machine that works well with all its parts cooperating in the whole action of rippling out energy . These 7 main sections of your energy ‘machine” are:-
- 7. You’re Crown at the top of your head, This 7th centre, the Crown connects you with the non-physical universe/spiritual.
- 6. Your Forehead in between your two eyes,. The 6th centre allows you to see more than the five senses can show you ie intention of others, the ability to see opportunity to grow spiritually. It shifts the belief of being a victim of your circumstances to the creator of them. When energy leaves this centre in Love and Trust you have wisdom, compassion, purpose in life. If however it leaves through Fear and Doubt you will experience loneliness, hostility etc. Every emotion is a physical experience of sensations occurring in different parts of the body. When the energy leaves through a centre it produces physical sensations.
- 5. Your Throat– The 5th the Throat, when energy exits through this centre in Love and Trust your voice is strong and clear, you are easily understood if however the energy exits through Fear and Doubt you are unable to express yourself your voice is fragile and weak there is not a free flowing of energy. Experiencing this would indicate to you which energy centre you are releasing energy from and weather the release is coming through Love and Trust or Fear and Doubt. Observe yourself monitor the sensations in the different areas of your body. Recognising this is a step forward in spiritual growth. This is the start of Emotional Awareness. Each painful emotion you feel will tell you that you are releasing energy through Fear and Doubt not Love and Trust.
- 4. Your Chest. The 4th the Chest centre, releasing energy in Love and Trust from this centre will create warmth, connectedness to all life, empathy with others, openness. Energy exiting through Fear and Doubt will leave you feeling cold, distant, detached, uncaring ie cold hearted. You can develop chest pain if the emotion being felt is strong enough. The solution is to be aware of how you feel and choose to change the way you feel. Choose to be open, interested and caring to others. Your chest will relax. You will feel open and expansive. Emotional pain felt is a reminder to stop and look inwards. The chest is the centre of the body connecting the three energy centres above with the three below the heart of your energy system. Learn to see, perceive and care through the heart. Be strong of Heart.
- 3. Your Solar Plexus.– The 3rd centre, the Solar Plexus. The stomach can be especially affected when energy leaves this centre in Fear and Doubt ie worry, fretting, panic etc. Often people with stomach ulcers or low stomach acid are releasing energy at this point through Fear and Doubt. Releasing energy from the Solar Plexus through Love and Trust gives feelings of being confident, relaxed and capable of Rising to the Occasion.
- 2. Your Reproductive Organs .- The 2nd centre, is the Reproductive centre. Each moment is a moment of creativity, new insights and understandings. But if the energy is released through Fear and Doubt you are uncaring, unconcerned for the needs of others you will create ways to exploite others to satisfy your own needs.
- 1. Your base of your spine, called the Torso.- The last energy centre is the base of the spine or the Torso. This centre connects you to the earth just as the Crown centre connects you to all spiritual. Grounded….releasing energy through Fear and Doubt here will leave you feeling threatened, venerable it will prevent from learning what you need to for life’s journey. Releasing energy through Love and Trust will leave you feeling nourished, energised and healed.
Energy Operational “Machinery” Works Well
Energy simply explained then, operates as it enters your body at the crown/top of your head and flows downward through each centre to the torso then it reverses direction to flow upwards exiting the body at all 7 points at the same time.
As the energy flows through the body, passing through each centre it creates different experiences of energy and cooperation to the whole, in you. These experiences we call Emotion.
Energy continually flows into the top of the head the crown moving downwards through all 7 centres before returning to where it came from in a well organised type of loop as long as there is no emotional blocks along the “machine”. This is what makes us alive and so active. Just like the respiratory, digestive and circulatory systems do in the body and they are all impacting on each other as a perfectly operating machine as planned.
Consider these aspects:
- There are two emotional exit -pathways of energy exits from the body. These emotional exits are either through EXIT1-Love and Trust or EXIT2- Fear and Doubt.
- Regardless of where or how the energy leaves the body it produces an Emotion reaction and exit from the body .
- Positive Emotions are experienced when the energy exits the body through Love and Trust . . Love and Trust produce feelings or Emotions of joy, peace, creativity, gratitude etc
- The negative emotions felt when exited are through Fear and Doubt and Fear and Doubt exiting the body produces emotions of anger, jealousy, hatred , frenzies and vengeance, depressions and confusions, etc.
- Your emotions come from your energy system body and not from interaction with other people, as is generally believed.
- Each emotion can be considered is a message from your soul/mind to you.
- Each emotion has a different characteristic( ie anger disappears more quickly than jealousy, the need for revenge is more persistent than jealousy.)
- Some emotions come more frequently and some stay longer than others.
- The flow of Emotion never stops. (For example trying to change others when you are angry is the same as trying to change your reflection in the mirror.) You can rage at your reflection as long as you wish but until you change what is being reflected the rage will not leave. Looking inwards for the solution instead of outwards is the way to progress. Only you can make permanent changes in yourself.
How Does It Work?
The cause of physical sickness in the body is the continual release of energy through Fear and Doubt over an extended period of time. Releasing energy from you body’s energy centres through Love and Trust produces health and vitality in the body. It produces joy, gratitude and peace. Your energy systems are beautiful and radiant. You are ‘Lite Up’.
Thoughts and emotions work together. Sensations in the body always accompany thoughts, the particular sensations with certain thoughts. Recognising this is what is generally called Emotional Awareness, ie if you become aware of pain in the body observe the thought you are thinking ie if you think angry thoughts you may feel tightness in the chest (4th centre), butterflies in your stomach (3rd centre) as this is all energy leaving your body through Fear and Doubt.
Once you identify an emotion you will be familiar with it when it occurs again, ie you may be angry with a parent and later with a partner in life. The situation that triggers the anger is different but the emotion is the same.
You are always in the present moment whether you are aware of it or not. Painful emotions fear, anger, jealousy, vengefulness are really parts of your soul’s wishes to heal.
Whilst gratitude, love, joy, peace etc are emotions of the soul that are already healed or could we simply say still in balance in their perfect state. When you are aware of everything you are feeling all of the time, you are in continual communication with your soul. You are Present, balanced and virtually perfect. When you learn to listen, the pain of communication with your soul can be intense .
The attention inward, is to learn where your discomfort is coming from and heal the source of it or simply return it to its state of perfect balance.
Without emotional awareness you cannot be aware of the present moment. The present moment contains your emotions . When you are not aware of your emotions, your attention is focused on the circumstances around you. As long as you are unaware of what you are experiencing inside you, you are asleep to life. When you are aware of your emotions and what is occurring around you, you step into the present moment. The remedy to painful emotions is Love and Trust. Changing energy released from the state of Fear and Doubt into the state of Love and Trust . It is ais the healing journey of spiritual transformation whereby you become a gift to others and yourself. A soul awakened, aware, joyful and grateful. This is the ultimate conversion we are being lead to and leading others to also. The proof of our perfection is in this perfect conversion through the emotional awareness and the true Oneness of All. Therefore the conversion is not to doctrines and rituals that follow other people’s norms but to the conversion to full unity. All disunity is a lack of conversion to Unity with Love and Trust everlasting.
Our greatest healing is in this conversion of emotional awareness. In these turbulent times then this is the major true conversion on the journey to all forms of health and joy, which has no place for the emotions of arguments and disunity. We are born for these times to be in peace and joyful unity. Let all else be gone into the darkness of its nothing whilst you rise into your true conversion of Love. Let the sign of you rise in your right to magnify LOVE alone.
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