About Dee

Health can bring about many limitations and so preventative is always the first key but even in sickness there is much to learn and grow with. My motto at the top is to always choose joy. I believe that first and foremost this is key to good health and happiness. But joy is not something that we work for… it is something we choose. I must admit that it has been many years of learning through suffering and hardships that I have come to realise the power of a simple decision. In all things find the joy and the lessons we need to learn at each stage of our journey will flow more easily. You dont have to remain sick and you dont have to die dispite what doctors may tell you. With the right suppliments, good nutrition and joy it is amazing what our bodies can do.

My daughter 20 years later.

My daughter 20 years later.

I have researched much and what I offer in these pages is information and products that I believe can make a remarkable difference. They certainly have helped my family and friends.

My family and my businesses are all located in the Pacific Nation of Vanuatu which continues to be awarded the “Happiest Place On Earth.” Sharing a little bit of pacific happiness by sharing good health with you and your family makes me happy. Let me know if you want to join one of my Good Health workshops in happy Vanuatu land.

Also as my goodhealth businesses are based in vanuatu I can offer you no taxation advice in your various countries.