My interest in health began many years ago when my 12 year old was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis (MS) and given a five year life expectancy. As you can imagine this news drove me to finding out all I could about the condition and how I could best help my daughter.

From there I began to research, gather and learn about all kinds of health issues and the best natural way (where possible) to help or cure them.

The Result:

20 years down the track my daughter is still very much alive and a great blessing to us all and I am able to do what I love and that is share what I have learnt with people all over the world.

With this site I hope to share with you what I have learnt so that we can all be strong in body, mind and soul.  Read More

For quick links to my favourite products click on the banners below!

180 Biomagnetic Therapies


Follow @GoodHealthWithD

{ 1 comment… read it below or add one }

Mary A August 29, 2013 at 11:10 AM

Great site thanks. There are so many places selling health products and it is hard to know what is good and what is not. I now just come here as I have found that any of your recommened products that I purchase are fantastic. Serranol, Reishi, Aloe the list goes on. Thanks a million!