So Disappointing & Wow!

by admin on November 25, 2014

Some friends have emailed to tell of sad  and disaPPOINTING health problems by following all the sales hype rather than the wise choices we have been blessedly guided to over the years.

Let me share a little letter on that from one dear friend-

“I used the aloe vera gel from Forever and found my ahes and pains and digestive condition cleared within a week. No more constipation either. Can you believe my shock when all the miseries of health came back in last few months.

So pondered my situation. About 4 months aga a man strongly promoted his aloe juice produt to me as the wise choice for my abundant prosperity.

So without thinking of the quality i changed over to the mans choice.

I thought of the money in the pocket  and followed the charming and pushy sales man and not of the health or the quality of production in the Forever Aloe Vara gel that I had abandoned.

Now I was back  crying at the doctor with all my old problems and pains again.

I want you to know that  like a warning light then I  remembered your warning about the quality above all with the production process for Forever’s aloe vera gel drink.

Well here is the good news as after a week back on the FOREVER aloe gel drink 3 times daily at 100 mls each time, then my miseries are turning around again.

I am jumping again and no pain so will probably go to 2 times a day and no more painkillers and other meds too for inflammations.

It was as simple as that.

Thanks for all the research you do for your family and me too and now I am listening and heeding again without pain or all the rest of the misery too.

Cant the sales men do a lot of harm when the only focus is the money!

Hey, keep us informed.

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