
Alois Alzheimer, a German psychiatrist described this Alzheimer disease in 1907 as a tangle of Neurofibrillary and senile plagues.  The main symptoms of Alzheimer Disease are; profound impairment of short term memory, mood swings, anxiety depression, aggressions, loss of interest in old hobbies, inability to communicate.  Alzheimer is the leading cause of dementia in the elderly and is the 4th leading cause in developed nations after heart, cancer and stroke.

Alzheimer Risk Factors:

  • Highly likely:- old age, family history, head injury, stroke, oestrogen imbalance.  Free radical damage, chronic inflammations.
  • Likely Risks:- Toxins, alcohol excess, dietary deficiencies, neurovascular  deficits especially dopamine, underactivity, Vitamin B12 deficiency.
  • Considered Risks:- Aluminium distress, depression, viruses, sugar over consumption, olfactory deficit, coronary disease.


Alzheimer’s Mistakes:

Natural deficiencies of Vitamin E, magnesium, and B Vitamins can also produce symptoms that might be mistaken for dementia.

Alzheimer Aids:

It may prove beneficial to start feeding the right and pristine quality nutrition to help boost the brains long and short term memory.  To boost mental alertness by enhancing the blood supply to the brain is a wise preventative path.

VITAMIN E:  Studies reveal the use of Vitamin E as a help to Alzheimer sufferers (Doody 1999, Grundman 2000, Veinbergs 2000, Behl 2000)

GINGKO BILOBA: Gingko is the acclaimed world’s oldest tree.  It is traditionally used to enhance memory and studies confirm this.

(Bastianetto 2000, Le Bars 2000,)

Acetyl-L-Carnitine  – Acetyl-L-Carnitine has been shown to protect brain neurons. ( Virmani 2001,  Jimenez 1999)

CoEQ10  – CoEQ10 boosts the Mitochondrial production of energy and stimulate nerve growth. (Nitta 1993, Yamada 1997)

Vitamin B12 – research has shown that low levels of B12 relate to dementias risk.

Essential Fatty Acids – Scientists in the Netherlands at the Julius Center for Health Sciences and Primary Care, have concluded that fatty fish and marine omega-3 intake is linked to reducing the risk of Alzheimer’s.

Folic Acid – In a recent study published in Alzheimer’s and Dementia: The Journal of the Alzheimer’s Association, found adults who consumed folates (B vitamin nutrients — 400mcg per day the minimal daily recommended allowance) showed a reduction in the risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

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