Chronic Fatigue Syndrome

/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis   

Chronic fatigue syndrome is more accurately called myalgic encephalomyelitis. The chronic fatigue syndrome name was given by the US National Institutes of Health because it wanted to downgrade and belittle the disease.

An MRI scan of the brain of a teenage girl with chronic fatigue syndrome displayed a great many scars or punctate lesions in the left frontal lobe area where portions of the brain had literally dissolved and been replaced by scar tissue. This caused cognitive impairment, memory impairment, etc, and very similar to the illness damage of MS.

And what was the cause of the scarring? The strongest possibilities are mycoplasma.

So there is very concrete physical evidence of these tragic diseases, even though doctors continue to say they don’t know where it comes from or what they can do about it. 

Many people with chronic fatigue syndrome, myalgic encephalo-myelitis and fibromyalgia who apply to the Canada Pensions Plan Review Tribunal will be turned down because they cannot prove that they are ill because the mycoplasma/brucellosis bacteria  is so small that it is difficult for tests to discover it despite the symptoms being tragically devastating.

Information sourced from

My long time dear lady friend L has been diagnosed with Chronic Fatigue since she was 23 years old and for the last 20 years has been so involved with the same studies with me to find solutions for her to cope with this debilitating illness. It caused her to not be able to work and eventually doubts on her by Australian Government bodies who doubted her severe problems. She cannot work and has no financial government support now, (like my daughter who was also cut off by the current Labour government of Australia).

The tragedy continues for this condition globally for the sufferers.

My friend finds solutions in helping me to promote health supplement solutions that also provide her with sufficient means to buy her necessary health supplements.

(Anyone else who wants tojoin my team and sell quality checked products to their friends in order to finance their own health can email to me for health income with us.)


 Low energy can drag you down especially mid-morning and mid-afternoon.  Time for a natural energy boost with the “Miracle “Mushroom” …. the Reishi Mushroom.  It can help restore your immune system and adrenals at the same time.

The adrenal glands of the body are the energy controlling glands that respond to stress, by making hormones that help with the following:

  • Balancing of Blood Sugars
  • Control Energy & Stress Copings
  • Increase Bodily Energy
  • Support Immune System
  • Help Brain Concentration

Have a look at my information and research about Mycoplamsa to find if in fact you have more than just fatigue but the serious issue or Chronic Fatigue instead.

So here is the natural solution that I use for the increased energy as well as adrenal support that helps with both of these fatigue issues. They are also a perfect solution for my good health and super busy life as well, to keep me as a Princess Reishi of energy and zingo.

 (For more information on where to get Reishi products including Reishi Coffee and Tea email me on with Reishi Info in subject heading and I will send through the info to you. Or visit the website

However, the issue of the Chronic Fatigue appears to be the  bacterial mycoplasma (brucellosis) infection so that needs the use of safe anti-bacterial supplements as well, such as we have found below to be the best globally:-

Anti- bacterial aids that we use too- 

Click to Buy Organic Aloe Vera Gel

Click to Buy Fermented Probiotics (search product #222) Not available in Australia)


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kristi yarbrough May 15, 2013 at 4:43 PM

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